I recently had the opportunity to photograph Matt Gilman for my editorial portfolio. He's an incredible person and I was extremely excited to get to meet and shoot him. For those of you that don't know about Matt already and are wondering what's so amazing about him: Well, he's a fairly accomplished Bike Trials rider who regularly gives demos on the sport, and is getting better every time he rides. "Yeah, so what?"... So, he also just happens to be legally blind! Next time you're on your bike, try jumping off a few rocks with your eyes closed. Here's what he has to say about himself from his website...
I became blind due to diabetes at the age of 24. I have been riding bikes for most of my life and when I had lost my vision I thought that I would never be able to ride again. I couldn’t ride for 2 years between 2004 to 2006.
One day I decided to grab my trials bike and go out to the curb to just hop around and do the most basic moves. I quickly realized that I couldn’t even trackstand. I put my bike away in disappointment. A few days later I decided to learn how to trackstand again without vision. After a long uphill battle I have gotten back to, or near, the level of riding that I used to be at.
Now I ride almost everything that I could have ridden with sight but, I just had to figure out how to do it in my own way. There was no one to tell me how to go about it; I needed to figure it out on my own.
I'm happy to help Matt by providing him with some quality images for his website and other promotional efforts. If you find his story to be as inspirational as I do and would like him to speak to your group, I'm sure he would be happy to hear from you.